Friday, February 27, 2009

Life does have its moments, sometimes....

this trip started out cool as hell, quentin hooked me up on the yeti again and let me take it for 5 days, and to california to boot, damn dude thanks a lot, i need to find a way to show how much it means to me that quentin and dj have had my back these past months, good people, every one reading this go now to "over the edge sports" in hurricane utah and buy a bike, thanks.
so this is a picture of the skull right before i headed out on the blue diamond trails on the west side of the lost wages, as you can see i put the night rider on and i rode up the single track until i had to use the light to see, then went back the way i came in, not the most exciting trail ever, totally buffed single track, maybe 10 places to catch any air, but hey, it was single track and it was night and it was the second time that day, in two different states, that i rode mountain bikes, before i left utah i went over to the ZEN and railed it then hit the freeway. so here i was in vegas riding at night the same day, man i love the desert..
this is a picture of the view from the front room of the apartment that KJ set me up in, see the waves ? hes so cool, what a hook up, right on the strand in oceanside, he knows this guy that owns the place and in the off season there are like 4 tenants in 12 units, so dude just let me crash in one of the empties, his name is randy and he was really hospitable, thanks a lot randy, look forward to seeing you again...

bottom that you can see, and if you look close you can see cataleana island in the left top, we went up just over 4200 feet, from here it was about 10 or 15 miles to where the race was, you can see chris' leg in this shot, i got a text that chris was still firmly in the elephant this is the top of palomar mountain, we came from the bottom, you can see a school we parked at, and if you look close at the top left you can see cataleena island, we rode up just over 4200 feet, from this spot it was about 10 or 15 miles to the race site, you can see chris' leg in this shot, got a text from cali and it said he was still in the elaphant grave yard, more about that later, they will let me know his condition. the climb was a burner for sure, it never got as steep as puke hill in the wasatch but it was about 10 miles to the top from the school and never let up until right at the very top, you never got a chance to recover, if you wanted to climb with any speed it was an attack the whole time, i kept having to water the road so every time i would catch jordan and kevin J i would have to stop, so i would have to bridge another gap, never failed, every time i caught i had to piss. that climb was brutal though and i want to do it again, SOON !!!
so im back i utah now and i still havent seen my fork and shock, thats a bummer man, i went to the shop to see if it would come today, ups guy came and left, but as i was leaving quentin asked if i wanted to take a bike out and lead the shop ride in the morning, do i want to lead the shop ride in the morning ? does the pope shit in the woods, no wait, does a bear wear a funny hat ? oh hell, you know what i mean, im just excited because i get to go to gooseberry in the morning, hurry, everyone who wants to go we meet at 10 am, so haul ass muthas, woohoo......

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