Thursday, February 5, 2009


well when i left today i had no idea the journey i would take, i stopped at the gas station to get some G and when i came out i realized that the tour of st george went right by here, so guess what i did ?
its a haul, at least it was today, been a while since i went over a hundred miles, my coulo' is mad, it was something that i just had to do. ive been in an angry place for the past few days and i just figured it couldnt hurt to punish myself, so off i went. i decided to do it in reverse so i could climb snow canyon instead of decending it, so the map below is opposite the way i went today, but i went ahead and started down town the same place the race starts and went out around the airport and through green valley, up to santa claira, on to ivins and then into the canyon. above is a pic of the road entering snow canyon just after the ranger shack,(3 bucks to ride a bike in there, fuckin stupid!) and it starts to turn up soon after. hits about 12% for about 1k and the road its self is only about 5 or 6 miles so its a mellow climb, its really pretty in there though and the traffic is usually very light, today two cars passed me on the way up and one motorhome going the other way, in fact it was so peaceful today i stopped at the top to soak it all in.
at the top you turn left and head down the highway back towards st george, if you tuck nice and tight you can hit 50 mph going back, when you come to the first stop light thats "red cliffs parkway" you take that road right and head over the top just under the dixie red cliffs. continuing on that road it takes you as a frontage road of the freeway, you pass some stores amd it goes from two lanes to one, then you come to a light where there is a couple of gas stations, go forward and when you get to a four way stop sign you go right. that will take you through a neighborhood to telegraph rd, theres a stop light there, go left and take it all the way to the highway to hurricane, go out to quailcreek reservoir take that left and then you do the hurricane loop. you can read about that ride in my very first post. (jan 2nd '09)
below is another pic of snow, it was a good day, 100 + miles beat me up a little and i still am stressed out to the balls, but for about 5 and a half hours i didnt think about all the shit thats going on, so hey what else can i ask for. tomorrow im going to try and put the yeti together and get it to make it through a weekend on the mesas, hope i dont break some thing else. by the way, does anyone out there know where to find those little fairies that fix shoes ? maybe they can get me some parts, shit..... here fairy fairy fairy........

1 comment:

  1. holly crap that a sweet pic. Insane. Email me so i can send u the link for the pics on this last weekends ride. in case u lost my address its

