Friday, February 27, 2009

Back to california, wait, snow ?

i slept in the desert some where just inside the california border, after riding the blue canyon trails in las vegas with the lights on, i just wanted to get the hell out of the vegas valley. las vegas and i dont always agree with each other, and i always do what i can to avoid actually stopping in town, even when i go to bootleg canyon i take the 215 the other side of town and go straight to boulder, and i gas up on that side of the mountain, eat and whatever then drive straight through town on the way out. so i was just for hauling ass to get away from sin city and when i got to california i found an exit, drove a little found a good spot and burned the pallets i brought, threw the ball a couple hundred times for the skull, drank some good nevada beer and crashed with the stars shinning down. when i woke up the next morning we got loaded up every thing and headed on, when we got to exit 76 off from I15 we went left not right so i could go look at the road the aliens would be climbing, above is a pic of the road two days before the race, they had a bunch of snow fall a couple days before this was taken, but as you can see in the pic below it had mostly melted off. it was really cloudy the last day i was in the sunshine state but nice the rest of the time, the ocean was beautiful as always, however i find it funny that the ocean, which always had such a strong pull for me, has kinda taken second place to the majesty and stillness of the mountains and the desert, and there is just to many freakin people in cali anymore...
this was is the same road in the same place two days later about two hours before the aliens came, we got on the mountain bikes and left a little school a few miles away and headed up a fire road the other side of the mountain. there is a name for it but i cant remember, something grade road, but damn this sucker was steep and it just never gave a break, no recovery time at all, chris had his garmin and it read over 21 % at times, and the ride its self was a bit over 40 miles, i want to go ride it again soon it hurt great !

this is a pic of some of the crazies that we were hanging out with, it was such a cool vibe, and as i said there was an estimated 75,000 people on the mountain that day, if a had remembered the usb cable i could have taken more pictures cuz there was hundreds of people dressed up, what a great atmospher..

this guy took the cake, when the pope is on site you know that its going to be a party, i went riding a couple miles down the road to check out the action and it was a scene all the way down. if you look at the picture of the lead group in the other post you can see the pope standing a couple miles down blessing the riders, it was classic, man i cant wait until next year...

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