Sunday, February 1, 2009

"it was sunset when the drugs began to take hold" wooh, sorry,,, flash back dont you know. it was sunset that much is true, i was just in the truck and headed to the south and to the east, "hey, sometimes my brain goes into different directions" the grand canyon was on the horizon, i was going to ride the roads on the north rim and then go to the south rim the next day. one thing about being me is that plans change by the minute at times, it all kind of goes with the flow dont ya know. so here i am just getting settled in and mark "maximus" calls my phone.. " kevo, whatcha doin, wanna meet in zion in the morning, we're climbing at the big bend ?" a left instead of a right in hurricane gets me to "mosquito cove" just outside of springdale, where the skull and i kicked it by the virgin river for the night. lit up the wooden pallets i found before leaving town and gobbled down the pizza i picked up, washed it down with a couple of beers and proceeded to throw the ball for skully at least 400 times, ( my furry friend has obsessive compulsive ball disorder) and by the time the pallets were all burned it was late and cold so we crashed to the sounds of the water spilling over the rocks, it was a great night...

this is the view from the coffee shop in springdale just before you go throught the ranger station into the park. this is where i met mark and his buddy lyll, they make decent joe here and really good bagel samitches. then we drove up to big bend and they started climbing, those are the pictures in the "MAXIMUS" post, but i didnt stay too long, i had switchbacks to climb...

this is after the last switchback, a few hundred yards before the tunnel (which bikes are not allowed in, you must shuttle, ive also hitched through before) and a big shout out to the park rangers in zion, "ranger pam" snapped this pic for me, she was really nice, " thanks pam". as you can see there was still some snow, one of the things about zion is you go through a number of different eco-zones, so conditions always change, it was only chilly in the shade and all in all it was a beautiful day to ride my bike in the canyon. after the tunnel i went to the ranger station past "checkerboard mesa" and on to mount carmel junction, ate some gu and a pop tart then returned to the park and back to my truck parked on this side of the tunnel where the skull was patiently waiting...

a really nice lady from new hampshire took this pic "post ride", make sure you look me up when you come back to utah phyllis, thanks for the picture !

so i didnt make it to the grand canyon, but thats cool, zion has a vibe that always draws me in and i always feel better because of it. i got to watch mark scale an unbelievable over hang, rode through mars, slept by the river and hung out with the skull, and hell i even saved some gas doin it. my life is weird right now, sure i have no money, and right now i have no job (come on obama) but my life has perks, shit that reminds me, people are rolling in from california (KJ) next week end, that means gooseberry and little creek, yeah baby, perks !!!! it was a good day and thanks to the cute girl at the "lazy LIZARD" boutique, good lookin out, is that a wedding ring on your finger ??? here lizard lizard lizard......


  1. I love your minute by minute changes. Miss you.

  2. Ohhh, me so likey your story lizard man. Me love your story long time. Ohhhh, me love how you ride bike long time. Pedal red lizard man. Pedal.

    Dong ba dinky dow,


  3. I love that you life changes minute be minute. Miss you!!!
