Thursday, June 11, 2009

"What a long strange blog its been"

its been a while there fans of the lizard travels, and those of you that are non-fans, seems i have an anonymous hater, some one left a comment with a bunch of nasty things in it. some butt hurt boob i suppose, even called me a "little bitch", made me laugh, thanks who ever you are and oh yeah, call me a bitch to my face and see what happens, anonymous, what a worthless fuck, stand up an say what you wrote, coward.....
when i last left the lizard nation i was headed to salt lake to meet some chick that was running the marathon and to rail the hills with the zaun. well i met christine and it seemed we hit things off well, shows what i know about the all mysterious women as i havent heard shit from her, maybe she knows jackie.. but no matter, what i really went for was to hang with the zaun, and we hung well. two days on the shoreline from rosepark up capital hill then across to the zoo and back, with all the side shit we hit all the time. first day "machine gun troy" rode with us but i think we hurt the guy a little, he didnt want to go back up the west side of city creek and down capital hill, he bailed out and took the road out of city creek. all in all the zuan and i rode about 90 miles and threw in 11,000 feet of climbing, it was the first time i had pointed it up hill like that this year, i needed it !

i have a lot of friends that complain about shoreline and i understand their digs, however that trail will always have a soft spot for me, it was my first, my virgin mountain bike experience it was the place i found out that i am a bike rider and its where i became a total mountain bike junkie...

salt lake city utah, i guess it will always be home, fuck, you dont spend 30 years some where and it not be home. the biking is beyond words, even the road biking, 1000 miles of single track within 45 mins of down town, trails on the best dirt i have rode on, ive tasted dirt in 7 states so far and none as tasty as the wasatch, utah fuckin rules !!!

found this pic of the olympics, see the rings up on the hill ? the shoreline goes right to that spot, the olympics were a lot of fun, at least the events i went to with my hockey buddy " kelly" and the ski race i went to with "jeffro"there was some drama to but thats not important...
so one of the reasons i havent been writing lately is that while i was in salt lake my partner for the 18 hrs of fruita called to tell me that she was bailing out, i got bummed and lost some bike focus, it brought me down and as you all know the lizard is mighty unstable at times so that is where i went... but im back.....

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